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Showing 28–33 of 33 results
The Portable InFlow for OIW/WIO analysis is a rugged analyzer meant for the extreme environments of the petroleum exploration industry. It is a dual analyzer handling the detection of oil in water, or water in oil, depending on the application. It can be quickly installed to take process fluids off line through sampling valves and provide analysis results. The system is easily flushed clean.
Monitor phase split in batch mode on organic droplets for increased product recovery. As the droplets appear the system warns of organic phase and the upcoming emulsion. The amount of early droplets and their retraction time will indicate the completeness of the separation. Once the split is identified and stopped, the operator has a visual verification from the video monitor. The color can then be analyzed to ensure there is no inversion.
• Inline Particle size down to 1µm
• Analysis of oil or water based mud
• Detect oil / water / solids / gas
• Lab Particle size down to 1µm
• Volume Flow Analysis
• Fluid Front Detection
• Real-Time Viewing