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Showing 46–54 of 91 results
• Crystallization monitoring in lab • Seed size / count / concentration • .7 um – 680 um particle size analysis
The MicroFlow™ Oil In Water Analyzer / Water In Oil Analyzer offers sample or continuous, microscopic, non-destructive viewing and provides multiphase analysis of oil in water, water in oil with two dimensional results.
The Portable InFlow for OIW/WIO analysis is a rugged analyzer meant for the extreme environments of the petroleum exploration industry. It is a dual analyzer handling the detection of oil in water, or water in oil, depending on the application. It can be quickly installed to take process fluids off line through sampling valves and provide analysis results. The system is easily flushed clean.
The Canty Microflow has been engineered to offer the user a means by which a liquid is analyzed while under varying pressures, temperatures and flow rates. The Microflow offers sample or continuous, microscopic, non-destructive viewing and provides particle size analysis with two dimensional results when used in conjunction with the Canty Vector System.
The Canty PHARMAFLOW™ has been engineered to analyze small volume samples for particle size, shape and concentration. The PHARMAFLOW™ easily converts from a lab unit to allow for continuous sampling in-line using sanitary Tri-Clamp™ connections. It offers microscopic, non-destructive viewing and provides particle size analysis with two dimensional results when used in conjunction with the CantyVisionClient™ Software. The vision system, with integral lighting, features precision optics designed to enhance the image prior to display or analysis. The image sensor is a high resolution / high speed CCD camera coupled to a microscopic lens system. The system offers zoom and focus ability, variable lighting, and multiple objective lens packages to cover a range of sizes. The PHARMAFLOW™ features the FUSEVIEW™ window as the flush product contact barrier which ensures laminar flow & eliminates pockets for potential product build-up. Sizing down to 0.7 micron is possible with the high magnification optics and high intensity light source. A variety of pumps can be used in conjunction with the system, including syringe style injection as well as peristaltic pumps.
The TRUFLOW system is a versatile tool for research and analysis of fluid product. A wide range of options are available Including high pressure/temperature, multiple styles of illumination, several size ranges (starting at 0.7 micron) and Various environmental ratings for lab or process use (NEMA 4, Explosin/Flame proof).
The Canty Thickness Measurement System provides online thickness measurements that will allow for further process control and productivity. The ability to understand the thickness of a material allows operators to know exactly when the optimal thickness has been reached, reducing any time spent over-processing products.
The CantyNet™ Pan/Tilt/Zoom Ethernet Control Module allows the user to control a Canty Pan/Tilt/Zoom camera using a single Ethernet cable via 10/100 Mbps or optional fiber network.
Canty pan & tilt systems have been designed for use in hazardous areas in accordance with explosion proof, and flame proof requirements. · Class I, Div. 1, Groups B, C & D · Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F & G, & NEMA 4 areas · EEx d IIC T6, IP66