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CANTY specializes in Mud Flow Analysis as well as Drilling Mud PSA.
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• Inline Particle size down to 1µm
• Analysis of oil or water based mud
• Detect oil / water / solids / gas
• Volume Flow Analysis
• Fluid Front Detection
• Real-Time Viewing
• Lab Particle size down to 1µm
The CANTY SolidSizer™ is a vision-based sensor used with the CANTY Vector System image processor for dry sand size measurement in a laboratory environment. The CantyVision™ Software accurately measures multiple aspects of the sand from area / perimeter / minor and major axis / etc. In comparison to a sieve which measures only minor axis the CantyVision™ software can correlate directly to a sieve so the customer does not have to change any QC documents. The SolidSizer™ can correlate within 2% of a sieve. A typical sieve analysis takes anywhere from 20-30 minutes including cleaning and setup for a 70-100 gram sample. On the SolidSizer™ that same sample takes less than 2 minutes. Also multiple screen distributions can be setup to accommodate multiple customers or areas in the process, hence eliminating the need for multiple runs on the same sand for different size distributions. After correlating to current methods of minor axis, customers find benefit in comparing minor axis to major axis and making sure the sand is round instead of needle shaped. Reduce lab time and make sure production samples are not skipped over due to lack of sample time available!
The CANTY Inflow™ is a vision-based camera system used with the CANTY Vector System image processor for OiW & WiO concentration and size measurement in-line: the crude inlet, crude outlet, & effluent water. The CantyVision™ Software accurately measures multiple aspects of the OiW & WiO from oil / water / solids / gas independent of each other for accurate data. In comparison to a florescence monitor, which measures only oil and is affected by solids and gas in the stream. The CantyVision™ software can identify the differences and the customer can visually verify the readings. The Inflow™ can calibrated with the customers current lab method to make for easy instillation in the field. Determining PPM on the inlet will help optimize the desalter intake and verify what is entering the unit. Providing PPM on the outlets the desalter will benefit the effluent water side for EPA regulations as well as the crude side to increase production efficiency. The interface can be controlled through automaic sampling, instead of having to take sample test bottles. Video recording is an option for later analysis. In-line analysis makes sure production samples are not skipped over due to lack of time!
The Portable InFlow for OIW/WIO analysis is a rugged analyzer meant for the extreme environments of the petroleum exploration industry. It is a dual analyzer handling the detection of oil in water, or water in oil, depending on the application. It can be quickly installed to take process fluids off line through sampling valves and provide analysis results. The system is easily flushed clean.
Percent Solids measurement is typically a ratio of the area of solid particles vs the background. As solid percentages increase this can also be done by comparing the ratio of light through an empty cell vs light through a cell with solid content. The analysis is frame by frame at a rate in excess of 30 frames per second, so data can be supplied in very short time intervals (seconds) and produce a steady trend line of percent solids readings vs time.
The CANTY Inflow™ is a vision-based camera system monitoring for water in fuel and particles in fuel in a lab environment / at-line / in-line process. The presence of these two physical contaminants is dangerous to systems and engines. The CantyVision™ Software accurately measures multiple aspects of the fuel from water / solids / gas independent of each other for accurate data. In comparison to a laser, which measures only one dimension and can’t identify the difference of water and solids in the stream, the CantyVision™ software can identify the differences. The customer can also visually verify the readings. Fuel contamination takes place mainly in transportation and storage. The current method of measuring color in fuel is the subjective visual inspection test. CANTY objectively takes the measurement and reports based on a two dimensional image. Color / HAZE / Solids / Water are all measured and continuously and objectively monitored. By knowing whether there is a water or solids problem this helps the operators identify how to fix the problem. The Inflow™ is an in-line analysis system to make sure production samples are not skipped over!